
US dollar til AUD

Information til alle, der påtænker eller ved, at de tager til WMAC i Perth

12. februar 2016 · Dorte

Som I kan se af nedenstående, så ændrer man betalingsvalutaen til australske dollar i stedet for US dollar.

Det betyder, at der kommer til at stå 53AUD i registration FEE og der er intet, der bliver dyrere - tværtimod kan vi være heldige, at alt bliver billigere - også dernede.

"As you might have already heard, the currency for the 2016 WMA Championships in Perth has been changed from U.S. Dollars to Australian Dollars. WMA and the LOC made this decision based on a number of factors, including the impact of the cost to the athletes given the strength of the U.S. Dollar relative to other currencies (i.e., athletes will see a relative reduction in entry costs if the Australian Dollar continues to fall)."

Dorte Ramlov

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